The Next Level Program was created to offer an All-In-One platform for Student-Athletes to reach their Next Level, whatever that may be. We create a process for each individual athlete to help them take their athletic, academic, nutrition and social habits to the Next Level.
The whole Program is based on our 7 Standards. These 7 Standards embody our entire Program, our staff and the athletes we work with. Whether it is our Academic Process, or our Nutrition Process each Standard plays a role in how we do things.
It Takes What it Takes. There are no Shortcuts on the Road to Success.
Often times, we want to waive the magic wand and have overnight success. If everyone could do that, imagine how successful the whole world would be! The good thing is though, that isn’t how it works. The world rewards people that WORK. Those overnight success stories started years ago when that person was on their own, working!
Everything You Do is a Competition. Embrace It!
This one is simple. Some days you won’t have your best fastball, or you’ll feel a bit sick before the game. It doesn’t matter. The ability to compete always needs to be there! It takes ZERO talent to compete. It’s you vs. whatever is in front of you, go win!
Own Everything You Do. Your career is up to YOU!
If there was a theme word for the Next Level Program, this would be it. Your teacher didn’t give you a C, YOU earned it. The ref didn’t cost you the match, YOU didn’t play well enough. The list could go on and on. Just like when you get an A on a test, YOU earned that! When you win, YOU played well enough to earn a win. Your career is up to YOU, which is the best part!
The Whole World Revolves Around Relationships.
One of the reasons our motto is, “You Win With People” is because of this standard right here. The best team, the best organization, the smartest person doesn’t always win. And I’m not talking about games here, I’m talking about life. The best people always win. Think of your best friend, or that person you see you always enjoy. Those are winners! Relationships with those people will separate you from others. You are who you hang out with!
You Don’t Rise to the Occasion. You Sink to the Level of your Training.
People often use the word “clutch”. “Kobe Bryant was so clutch; he always rose to the occasion!” NO. Kobe Bryant was in the gym every single day at 3am. When his teammates showed up at 10AM for practice, he was already in his second work out of the day. When Kobe rose up for a shot with 1 second on the clock, he didn’t just “rise to the occasion”. He’s shot THAT shot thousands of times in his life already. He went right back to his training, and for him it was just another shot. Which is why he was “clutch”.
You Need to be Honest with Yourself, and We Will Return the Favor.
There are a lot of people and companies out there blowing smoke in athlete’s and family’s faces to promise things that aren’t realistic. The Truth is never wrong. Is it hard to swallow sometimes? Of course. Does it suck sometimes? Obviously. But it is always the right thing to do. We will never tell an Athlete they can’t do something. But we will give a fair assessment of where you are at, and where we think you can end up. After that, look at the last sentence in Standard 3.
Physically and Mentally. Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do.
Toughness has a lot of different definitions, interpretations, and meanings. To us, it just means don’t quit. It will never be easy. If it was, everyone would do it. The good thing for us though is a lot of times when things get tough, people quit. Not us. Not our Athletes. We make it tough on them right away, so they know that is the standard. Once you have a standard of that, then it gets “easier”. Once again, it will never be easy. Don’t Quit.
If you are looking for more information or are interested in being a part of the Next Level Program, please reach out to me! This isn’t for everyone, which is what makes it special! If you want to reach your Next Level or maybe wondering what is your Next Level, then let’s get to work!
Cole Albers
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