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Hello Adam, 
Our 12U Baseball Team (Waukesha Blazers - Blast) had the pleasure of competing with the 12U MN Blizzard - Blue team this past weekend in Wisconsin Dells.  
I felt that I needed to take a few minutes to commend your organization on not only great baseball skills, but also great character and sportsmanship.  I observed your team removing their hats as a sign of respect while going through the line at the end of a game against another team.  My husband and I both had very pleasant interactions with Parents and Coaches.  I observed NO tantrums from Coaches, Players or Parents.
We are a small, community club.  We don't have practice facilities or home fields, but our boys have been playing together for 5 years and are a good team.  We don't have a lot of opportunities to compete with teams at their same level.  It was such a pleasure to enjoy a great matchup with a group who (all) demonstrated what youth sports ought to look like. 
You are doing something right on and off the field and I wanted to make sure that you know it does not go unnoticed.
Thank you for your time and I hope you are having a great day, 
(Blast Mom)
This is Merlyn Steenson, Ryan McCormicks grandpa. As I was walking out of our last game on Saturday in Parkville, one of the coaches from the other team came up to me and said that they really respect the Blizzard teams as the players, coaches and parents behave so well. They enjoy playing them because of their attitudes and are usually good teams as well. He said that they were trying to get there teams to reach this level.
Thought you might like to hear this. 

The story of a baseball kid and this mom.

As a single mom for many years I’ve grown to know when my kids are doing something they love life is generally better on the home front.

Being from MN normally means the kids play hockey. My oldest played and so did my now college athlete and the next one who this is written about.

To know Boogs is to understand the game of baseball. He loves anything sports related and can remember stats from years ago. I’m not kidding just ask him if you get a chance.

In normal Boogs fashion he understood my situation and said “I choose baseball.” From the point years ago I have witnessed a kid love this game, have bad seasons and remarkable seasons. Witnessed him win championships and become a young man. I have watched him be humbled and be so excited he could hardly contain himself. I have witnessed Rourick “Boogs” find his place call home, with the MN BLIZZARD BASEBALL program. 

There are days where school and kids weren’t kind but he’d go to

The academy and he found his peace and comfort.  He probably took out his frustrations on hitting the ball to be honest.

Boogs has found himself through the game of baseball. The coaches at Blizzard have helped him and understand him. He is deeply grateful. 

So on this eve we found out the teams again for MN BLIZZARD summer 2026 and Boogs is happy he is once again with his teammates and all the families. A few we will miss dearly but to say he is grateful is an understatement…. To anyone reading this please know:

“Playing baseball is deeper than hitting a ball or throwing a ball to make a play. Baseball is a process and it’s way of life. It’s something that makes you learn each new play can make a difference. It teaches you to communicate, stay resilient and patient and appreciate the guy next to you. You all are there for one thing, to play the game and end with the W.” So on this night, for any single parent who thinks for a minute “you can’t afford club elite baseball” trust your gut because your baseball loving child shows you, you can. 

#mnblizzardbaseball #2026 #bluelove #⚾️⚾️

Thank you for believing in Rourick Adam. I’m forever grateful 


Hey guys-
I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thank you. I don't have Eddie's email, otherwise I'd copy him on it, too. Riley came home tonight from workouts pumped over a 5-10 minute interaction with Eddie. He went early with Tucker to hit. It had been awhile since he swung a bat and couldn't find a rhythm. Apparently Eddie came out and worked with him for a few minutes and the small adjustment changed things around.
Please send my thanks to Eddie for taking those few minutes to work with a couple kids who just want to get better. And thank you for facilitating such a welcoming and encouraging environment.
You guys are just awesome.

As we approach the final weekend of the summer season, and the possible end to Reid's Blizzard tenure, Stacy and I want to thank both of you and the Blizzard organization for all you've done to help Reid as a baseball player, and more importantly, as a young man.  

As a family, we chose this program years ago for the reputation of its people.  It has lived up to that, and then some, as he's transitioned to a high school senior (as a parent, it's hard to type that; SENIOR)...
We chose to register for club baseball for relationship reasons: so that Reid would be surrounded by more "like-minded" people that have the drive and ambition to put in the necessary time to achieve their goals.  In turn, he could then develop lifelong relationships with teammates and coaches.  This has happened and these relationships will be with him for the rest of his life.  
From a baseball perspective, he has been subject to what it feels like to be a true player.  The competition and experiences he's been able to be part of, have driven him to work harder as a player and person.  
These experiences don't just happen - it's a community of people and organizations that make them work - THANK YOU. 

I just saw your email about summer tryout’s and I was going to reply to everyone, but I could only reply to you. I wanted to chime in and tell all that your program is what got Simon where he is today! Because of the Blizzard program, my son Simon is now pitching for the Indian State University baseball team which is headed to the Super Regionals. I know that he was born with a gift, and he is using that gift to get where he is at, BUT… I am certain he would not be where he is at with out the help from you and the program! It taught him how to work very hard and take care of his arm, pitching mechanics, how to analyze himself - and others – pitching, how to compete at the highest level on a big stage, how to be a good teammate and most importantly – how to be a good man.  Your program taught him all of these things that he has used to get where he is today. I remember the first time we showed up for a summer league tryout just like this.  I figured we would just get on a team and play some games. We had no idea how good your program could make him… Simon has been playing against Blizzard alumni throughout the last 3 years in Junior College and now Division 1. Guys who have gone through the program and excelled to higher levels and are like ‘family’ now when the see each other. I would encourage anyone who is thinking about this program to jump at the chance as it has certainly helped to get Simon to the highest level he can be. Thank you Adam, and the rest of the staff for all you do to make baseball players the best athletes and men they can be!!


I just wanted to send a note while I was thinking about it (besides I have lots of time right now, heading to Iowa for my daughter's softball Tournament).

First off my son is very competitive he doesn't typically care who's on his team (doesn't care if his friends are on it or not he just wants to compete), he plays baseball and hockey.  After his first day of tryouts I asked him how things went.  His response wasn't what I expected, he smiled at me and said, "Dad I made so many new friends."  I didn't ask him anything else and then he asked if he could try out again next year, I said even if you don't make a team he says "uh yeah."  I asked him after the second day how things went and he was happy with his performance.  I just thought I'd share this with you.

Hey Adam, hope all is well!

We had a great baseball trip to the Dells last weekend!  The boys came up a little short in the championship game, but man, do they play hard and play together!

I want to take a moment to commend our managers/coaches - they run a tight ship, command respect, and relate well to the boys.  
I know you were made aware of what the opposing manager did/said during the championship game, and I just want to say that I was/we were proud of our staff for addressing the elephant in the room and standing up for the Blizzard family - very proud.  

Thanks for everything, we appreciate it!

Hi Adam,

I know you probably don't hear a lot of feedback on your coaches, but I'd just like to tell you that Ben has had a great experience with Parker, Nick and more recently Simon.  They are a great bunch of coaches and are super supportive of the boys all the while keeping them in line and making sure the are good teammates.  It has been very refreshing to watch coaches that are professional yet keep it light and fun for the boys.
Thanks for the time,

Hi Adam -

This past weekend was the first 11U baseball I've been able to go to since spring ball & the coaches have them working as a well oiled machine.
But what really stands out to me is the manner that Isaiah coaches them up not only as players, but as young men, & as children - it's exceptional.
Thank you so much for providing this opportunity!
As practices began and we got polite and professional calls from the coaches and my wife and I saw that you were also coaching a generation of young men and getting them ready for their lives ahead.
A former trainer at Velocity Sports when asked about Adam Barta and Blizzard baseball commented that they hadn't worked with a better youth sports organization in the state. 
Plus the communication has been very thorough. 
Congrats on a well run outfit. 

Hi Adam,

I need to take a minute to tell you what a great experience we had with Coach Eddie this weekend in Milwaukee.

Owen has been fortunate to have had some really good baseball coaches in his life but Coach Eddie is exceptional. I don’t know much about baseball (other than I enjoy watching my kid play), and I have no idea what Eddie said to the boys in the dugout or on the field. All I know is that he brought an energy with him that really changed things up. Just his presence on the field was amazing.

Also, Owen thanked us twice for bringing him to Milwaukee. Twice. Owen’s a great kid, but he’s never thanked us for bringing him to a tournament before. I have to believe that was Coach Eddie’s influence.

I really hope we get to see more of Coach Eddie in the future. In the meantime, please pass along our thanks. 


Hi Adam, 

Wow just wow!!! I have always been honored to be the mama of Noah (not sure how I got so lucky) but you really celebrated him (in letter of recommendation) !!! Home run style!!! Honestly could not have walked into a better community of coaches, friends, and community with Blizzard! You have created such a wonderful family of baseball! 

Thank you for your exceptional words of excellence for Noah!
So grateful! 
Stacie, Teddy, Noah, and Audrie 

Hi Adam,

I just wanted to send you an email about our coaches.  We have had some really great coaches through our times with Chase and Beano both in Blizzard and it is one of the many things I love about Blizzard.  This spring Beano had Austin and Parker coach him.   Austin and Parker were amazing with all of the boys on the team.  Each one of those boys had a role on that team and Austin and Parker made them all feel important and useful.  They had a great energy and were always so positive with the boys while taking the opportunity to use every teachable moment they could. They were just as excited and invested in each of the games as the boys were.  They showed great character and were perfect role models.   Each boy on this team grew a lot this spring because of their guidance.  What I really think made them so great was how they saw a strength in each boy and found a way to make that important and use that on the team.  I just wanted to let you know how impressed my husband and I were with their coaching this season and to thank you for another great year with Blizzard.  
Thanks for everything,
Jessica and Brian McQuade


Thank you for your note. First, so pumped for you headed back for Spring Training. Sometimes in life the setbacks set you up for one hell of a comeback — I certainly hope that holds true for your career, post-CoVid. 
You were wonderful for our son. He learned a ton, and, whether he realizes it yet at his age, you were a role model for him. I’m sure you had a coach or instructor in your youth that left a mark on you, set you on the right path, or inspired something that took you to the next level. I have a good instinct that Ford’s short time with you will have that effect on him.  He warms up with your routine, cools down on your routine, and often tells me why he’s doing something the way he is when I critique him by saying, “Kellen wants my arm here, or there....Kellen likes me to do this with my grip, or leg, or stride” etc. 
I just wanted you to know this. 
Stay resolute, stay determined, and always try to figure out what God is teaching you in the tough spots. 
You’re extremely gifted, humble, and an all around solid young man. When you get your call, make the most of it, and know you got some youngsters that will be watching you intently. 
Best of luck. 

I just wanted to thank you for giving Gavin the opportunity to play for the Blizzard in Florida this past weekend. I wanted to pass along how Impressed I was with the coaches, players and families.  We were a little worried on how the team would react to the “new kid,” but we were both welcomed with open arms and included in everything.  The team all bonded so well and ALL of the boys got along and included each other in all of their activities. It was like these boys had been friends for many years.  Coach Farmer....where do I even begin?  He was such a great coach!  I never heard him yell at the boys and he treated all of the boys with utmost respect. He was very professional on the field and off the field. When we went to top golf during the rain delay he didn’t sit with us parents...he sat right between all of the boys and played with them!  Wow!  You can tell the boys truly look up to him. I could go on and on....but I will let you get back to coaching now. You have a great program and it shows both on the field and off the field. Thanks again for letting Gavin be an extra player.  We look forward to the spring season and many more to come with the Blizzard.

Adam - 

I have to share as your success with a baseball program was seen by others last night.  Jared was asked to go play for the Chisago Lakes VFW.  Jared pitched an amazing game (7 innings, 17/22 batters struck out), he went 5/7 from the plate with three doubles and he played first base with great success during the second game (double header).  After the game the coach texted me to say thanks for having Jared play, his success on the mound and at the plate.  The best part of the text is what I as a mom and you as a coach of Blizzard would be proudest of....the coach went on to say: "He is so terrific with his teammates and is definitely the leader and conversationalist on the team.  I noticed he even engaged the opposition in conversation while playing 1st base.'  This dugout, team support is 100% Blizzard.

I’d like to personally thank you for coaching Kelton this summer. He had so much fun with this group of boys and Jesse and Will as his coaches. The boys really started to gel after the first tournament and by the third they played some good baseball. It was to bad that this last tournament in Iowa was canceled. For a young group they were fun to watch. They made some great plays look easy... and then they’d show their age and make some bonehead plays! Jesse, you and Will showed tremendous patience this year!!! There were times us parents were ready to pull our hair out with the mistakes the boys were making but you guys let them make the mistakes and then used them as a teaching moment. How you guys didn’t snap is still a wonder to me!

Kelton really wanted to try out for fall ball but Wendy and I had a tough time getting him up to the day practices in August. Since he couldn’t try out we would like to schedule some pitching and hitting lessons at the Academy. Please let us know when we can start doing some of the lessons and we’ll get some scheduled.

I think my favorite part of this summer was watching the boys get better each practice. From a personal standpoint, Kelton has grown as a baseball player and also as a person from being a part of the Blizzard organization. Just the little aspects of the game that he has learned is what I’m most happy about. Kelton has been pushed and challenged harder this summer more than any other summer in the past and it’s been the best thing for him.

Thank you for a memorable summer!

Adam, thanks for the video call tonight. You did great.

I know these are uncharted waters you are navigating, but I just wanted to let you know that you are doing an amazing job. I know it is a lot of stress on you and I just wanted to thank you for everything that you have done to keep the Blizzard moving forward. We are looking forward to getting back on the field. It will be an adjustment for everyone, but any day with baseball is better than a day without it.

Thank you,

Hey Adam and JT,

I hope you're doing well and your weekends are off to a great start!
I want to send a quick note to thank you for all that you guys are doing with the boys this spring during these extraordinary times.  Of course, I know Jack would prefer being out on the field with his new Blizzard team, but he sure has enjoyed all of the great content you guys are putting out - it's pretty much the highlight of the day for him.  I can only imagine how much time you guys are putting into finding speakers, putting together the webcasts and setting up the meetings, and running the team hitting and field sessions.  Anyway, we truly appreciate all you're doing!
We sure miss baseball at our house and look forward to being back out on the diamond again - hopefully very soon!  In the meantime, take care, guys.
Erik Drange (Jack's dad)

Hey Adam, 

I just wanted to send a quick note expressing my gratitude to you and the awesome coaches that you have in your club.  
Sending Collin to Phoenix without us was hard on the parent nerves.. but, Connor was very communicative and responded to my texts and concerns making me feel much better.
Dropping him off at the gate and having everyone welcome him and take him under their care was a huge sigh of relief and made me realize that he is going to be safe.
Collin will have lifetime memories of hanging out with some of his very favorite people and people that most youth baseball players don't ever have the good fortune to know and learn from.
Luther and Connor have really done a great job getting these boys acting like a team and it definitely shows in their playing. 
And of course I would be amiss to write an email like this and not mention the adoration that Collin has for Eddie and Cory.  They continually make him feel special and like he is a part of the Blizzard family.
Anyway, thanks again, Adam.  You are a true gem to Collin and the rest of the players. 
Have a great week.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. 
I  wanted to let you know how much I appreciated you meeting with Lamine and I.  
We left that meeting with a plan, Lamine worked the plan with the schools he was interested in, and then this last week he committed/signed to Concordia College here in St Paul!!!  He is so excited. 
Thanks again!!
Laurie Diaby 
Hi there,
My son is a player for Colorado Baseball Academy 12u, and we played in a tournament this weekend along with your 12u team, in Las Vegas.
We had a rough day today and your team beat us soundly, but I wanted to tell you that our families and coaches were not only impressed with the level of playing your team brought to the tournament, but the friendly demeanor of your team’s families and players.
It’s been a tough weekend for us, but it’s always nice to play against a team that shows good sportsmanship! I just felt compelled to reach out and let you know that your program was well represented this weekend and we wish you the best of luck in your future.
Win, lose, or draw, the game of baseball is about far more than just beating the other team. It’s about developing young men with strong character. You seem to be teaching a strong competitive team WITH that strong character, and I applaud that.
Best wishes,
Cathy Smith


I just wanted to let you know how much Carson enjoyed Coach Clayton.  He did a great job with the boys—always positive, fun atmosphere, but also was always teaching.  As parents it was a joy to watch.   It can be hard to balance keeping the sport fun, but also learning from mistakes, working hard, etc.  Clayton took every opportunity—whether a kid on the bench, while they were on the field, or as they came on/off the field – to talk with the boys and give them tips.

Carson love his Blizzard experience.  I asked Carson, out of all of his coaches (hockey, fall ball, association, etc) who his favorite coach is—and he said Coach Clayton.

Just wanted to share our experience--

Hey guys,

I wanted to thank you all for a great weekend.  I was telling Barta this over the weekend but I have been very impressed with the program so far.  Teaching things like good body language, accountability and other things besides all the other baseball things has been great.  These skills will transfer later in life.  In example of this is when kids in Kansas City didn't pick up their plates after pizza.  Coach Pfeffer went and tracked them down to have them pick up.  Good stuff.  So, thank you.  I also have been impressed with the development piece and all the values the Blizzard incorporates into the program. 
I like how you challenged them to take the time and think about what they each need to work on before next tournament.  Kaleb mentioned an obvious one, pitching command and a couple other things.   

Appreciate you all!  Thanks again!

Jeff LaFavor
Hello Adam and Nick, 
Tammy Thompson here, Will Thompson's mom.
Here we go again!  A second fall season with Blizzard, a second fall season with Nick Degen as the coach, and a second fall season that was pretty outstanding.  
Adam, I'm sure you already know this, but you have a pretty incredible person working for you.  Nick is nothing but a class act.  His rapport with the players is amazing to watch.  Will thinks so highly of you, Nick and I have no doubt that a big part of why Will's team has gotten along so well this year and last year is because of you.  Your demeanor, your trust, your calm approach, your joking with the guys, and your confidence in them are all commendable attributes.  You have truly made a positive difference in their lives!
Unfortunately we had Sunday off in Vegas, but the first thing Will asked is if we could go watch the 16's play.  Now there's a kid who loves baseball and loves Blizzard!  In fact, so many of our team showed up to watch.  How awesome is that?!
I'll be honest and tell you that I was a bit skeptical when Will and Tom talked about Will trying out for Blizzard two years ago.  We had gone through some highs and lows with our daughters club volleyball experience and I wasn't too sure about giving it another try.  I'm happy to admit that I couldn't have been more wrong.  Your organization is something to be proud of Adam. It clearly shows how hard you all work and the level of expectations you set for your players.  
Sunday evening when we were on the bus from the car rental company to the airport, we chatted with a guy and his son from California who were also in the tournament.  He asked who we were with.  Their team played a Blizzard team (forgot the age group) and he told us how respectful the players were.  He said they were a great group of kids.  We shared information about your club and he was truly in awe.  I felt so fortunate to be part of such a revered group.
Adam and Nick, thank you both for all you do for the players and parents.  Keep up the amazing work!
Tammy Thompson

Dear Coach Barta,

I wanted to send this note to say “thank you” to you and your coaching staff.
It has been fun, inspiring and just plain awesome to attend Blizzard Baseball games over the last two years.
The Blizzard Big 5 and team guidelines are wonderful.  What a great support to the parents as they raise these boys.

So, thank you for your dedication to these boys with the sport of baseball and the nurturing / growth of responsible and caring young men.
Grandma Carol
Thank you for selecting Sam Kennedy to play Blizzard Elite last fall.
Sam was humbled and honored to be selected.
He plans on trying out for your summer program too.
Your Blizzard program is second to none and we really appreciate how all the players, parents and coaches have accepted Sam and us into your program.
Hi Guys - 
I can't help but send you a quick note.  I've been hearing snippets about Phoenix all week.  What impresses me most is that only once has my son actually mentioned winning or results.  Instead, most of what he has shared was compliments about his teammates,  good stuff about the new teammates (Simon and Jack) and, as always, great things about both his coaches, Jake and Connor, and even this time, complimenting the demeanors of the opposing coaches this tournament.   
Most impressionably, however, he has mentioned several things about Kangas, clearly being wowed and touched that he came.  More than anything, I think that will be the overarching memory of this past weekend.  What a lesson in character his coming to be with the boys for the weekend will undoubtedly have on these kids.  I have no idea exactly what form that lesson will be, but whatever the specifics, it can only be good: you can move on, but you never leave behind, once a team, always a team... It's pretty incredible.  
Every time I go (or in this case, don't go, but hear about it after) to a tournament with Blizzard, I add to the long list of reasons why I appreciate this organization so much, and why I am grateful my son is able to be a part of it.  And these reasons have nothing to do with the baseball!  (Though there are indisputable perks there too!)  In the midst of playing a game, and a lot of being a kid, somehow, he comes away with building blocks that will make him into a wonderful man, with lasting connections to, and respect for, other incredible young men.   
Thank you both (and Connor and Kangas) for what was clearly a great weekend!
Hello Adam and Nick,
Tammy Thompson here, Will Thompson's mom.  
I simply had to email to acknowledge Nick and thank him for being such a positive role model for Will.  Will has thoroughly enjoyed his fall season with Blizzard and has improved on so much more than just his baseball skills.  Nick, Will had so much fun in Vegas and mentioned numerous times how much he loves you as his coach and how different the experience would have been without you.  It has been heartwarming to watch Will's enthusiasm throughout the entire season.
Tom and I had an absolute blast in Vegas.  The entire team played with determination and heart, and even better they had such a great time. It was quite emotional for the parents thinking that it could possibly be our last time together as a team.  Nick and Adam, I give much of that credit to you.  You have inspired, and demanded, so much more than just playing baseball together.  Nick, your calm demeanor, your bantering with the guys, and your trust in their ability has really helped create a bond that is second to none.
Adam, thank you for welcoming the boys into your home for the bonfire.  It was truly life-forming for the guys.  I can speak on behalf of Will and many of the other players, that they trust you and know you are all in, in developing them as a player and more importantly, as good people.  That's huge, in this crazy, crazy world.
Finally, if the team votes to continue the season through practices and/or tournaments, our only request is that Nick is the coach who takes them to Arizona or Utah.  It would mean the world to the players and parents.
Thank you both for all you do, each and every day, to partner with us parents to develop young adults who are respectful, disciplined, focused, and positive. 
Tammy Thompson

Hi Barta, it’s Tyler Johnson. I just wanted to take a moment now that my season for blizzard has come to an end to say thanks. This was one of the best experiences of my baseball career, and I really appreciate you taking a chance and giving me a shot to play in your program. I’ve been an admirer of the Blizzard program since the first time I tried out, and that admiration is what kept bringing me back to tryouts after getting cut multiple times... so to be apart of this meant a lot to me. Thanks again.


I can't begin to tell you how much this season meant to Jac. I have been part of every part of his baseball days until the Blizzard. This has been the best baseball experience of his life. He joined to make himself better for high school, and summer. He came out believing he needs to make himself better this summer so he can make another Blizzard team. From the 1st meeting and sharing the expectations it takes to be a Blizzard player to the last game, he has become true BLUE.

Thanks exceeding our expectations and Jac will be back at tryouts this summer. We certainly hope he improves this summer too and has another opportunity to be part of your program.

Jim Childs


Please thank all the coaches for providing a “great” experience for Leo and James.  They were sad to see the spring season end.  While they loved the baseball they also made new friends and felt very supported by the coaches—

We are looking forward to the tryouts and fall ball—

-Daniel Pfarr

I will follow this note up with a call as I prefer in person or voice to voice but wanted to get a note of thanks to you for the opportunity afforded our son Taylor to participate in your program this past season. His level of development and growth as a player and a young man have been accelerated exponentially the last 6 months and I attribute a great deal to the experiences he has had in your program due to your development philosophy. Traveling to different states and being exposed to players not just from around our community, but around the country is a very unique opportunity. When a child gets up at 7 AM on Saturday in January and is ready to go to practice and can’t wait to play his game tonight after 12 months of baseball speaks volumes. Our goal is not to develop a collegiate or professional player and we take each year as it comes so this is driven by him. Faith and school come first and his grades are very strong and important to him and your focus on that is important for us. Jeff told Taylor “You don’t skip church for practice”. This was important to hear and spoke of Jeff’s character.
I do want to make sure to note that Jeff had a huge part in Taylors development as a young man and a player and was the perfect coach for him and this team. There is no qualifying it as he did great for a first year coach, he did great, Period. The level of control and maturity was well beyond what I could have ever dreamed of at that time of my life or now for that matter. Baseball situations can put a great deal of pressure on a team or individual and Jeff always had a way of removing that so even in failure a player experienced success. This is a unique ability. I believe this relaxed atmosphere is what afforded this team some success. He turned his youth into an advantage in connecting with these boys. Skills I am sure make him an excellent teacher. I took many things away for myself from Jeff, primarily dealing with letting go, something addressed at his last team meeting. Yes I was listening Jeff, and you are right. That and my wife reiterating the message.
-Shane Broderson


Hi Coach Barta and Coach Peters;

Thank you for coaching  Prashana during the spring season. We had really good time during the practice and games. He learn the game and technique to play for situation and he got more confidence for decision making which will help him all his life. All the blizzard kids from Blue and Black teams are very friendly with Prashana and adapt him in the team without any problem. We really enjoy the season and we are looking forward for the fall season.

thank you again.

Sathi Navaratnam


Hey Barta,
I just wanted to say thank you for such an amazing first season with the Minnesota Blizzard. I had a lot of fun going to all the tournaments and meeting some great new friends on not only my team, but on the other 15u team and other age groups as well. Also, thank you so much for helping me get a start on my pitching. This was my first legit instruction on pitching and I was so grateful to get the help. I still have a lot more to work on but this was a great start. Thank you for such a great, fun-filled first season and I will see you next year at tryouts!

Thank you,
Matt Laciskey


Good morning Adam,
It is so very sad to see this season end! :(  Bill and I wanted to thank you for a great season and for all the work you do to put out such an outstanding program for the boys!!!  As a matter of fact the season this year was so good, us parents have pretty much decided that we want to keep the same team of boys next year and we are taking Coach Nockleby with us to the next level….hope you can make that happen  ;)  ;)
Alex absolutely loved his teammates and Coach Nockleby!  Lots of great baseball memories and friendships were made this season, so thank you for making this possible!
Blizzard super fans,
Bill and Lisa

You are a very busy person with a lot of irons in the fire, but you always seemed to find time to talk with TJ – when he was getting frustrated and noted it on Twitter,  you immediately called to talk with him; you answered tons of college planning questions; you gave your opinion on different coaches and programs; you helped talk him through whether he should commit or wait; and the list goes on and on.  You have always been there for him.

TJ is not the only one thankful for all you have done – Tom and I are as well.  TJ would not be headed to Omaha this fall and his college searching process would not have been what it was without the MN Blizzard program and you!  Yes, TJ had to perform and he had to work hard, but that is only part of the process.  You also need to have contacts and know who to talk to and have opportunities to play in front of college coaches.  You need to know what questions to ask and what processes to follow.  You have answered more questions for us than I would have ever thought about asking before this whole process began.  Thank you for all you have done and for all you continue to do! 

-Lora Graumann (mother of TJ Graumann)

Johnathan has really been enjoying playing for the Blizzard!  He has a great passion for baseball and I'm glad he gets to play with your team!  He is very excited to play next year in college and we can't wait to watch him either!  I know it has been a great experience for him being a part of the Blizzard Red team and has made friends and learned a lot... Something he will always remember, so thanks for having such a great program that kids can really benefit from... I know Johnathan sure hates to miss practice, but due to the weather he has had to miss some... He is really looking forward to playing in Utah in a few weeks... I only wish I didn't have another commitment at that same time or I would be there too rooting the team on.... I hate missing him play!!! But, his dad will be there with him.... Have a great tournament and thanks again for the email.... Sarah Urdahl (Johnathan Fleek)

Hope your fall season went well and you’re gearing up for some fun winter baseball/training.  You and the Blizzard program have meant so much to Matthew.  What a great experience he had.  He really does think of you guys (and many of his Blizz teammates) as family.  When he started playing with the Blizzard, I honestly could never have imagined the extent of the positive influence it would have on him.  Both from a baseball and a personal development perspective.  So thank you again. 

-Charlie Fiedler (father of Matt Fiedler - attending University of Minnesota)


Blizzard Group,

Thank you so much for continuing to have the Blizzard gathering each year.  Cole looks so forward to it.  He came home pretty glossy-eyed and fell asleep the 1st time by 4 and then again at 7:30pm until I had to wake him up this morning!  He came home with so many fun stories.  He mentioned that GOGO came pretty close to Dempsey’s energy level.  Is that possible????

I know it is hard on Coaches, especially the ones that have their own families, to stick with traditions each year because of the time commitment it requires.  We cannot express how grateful we are that you do this for our kids.  Great memories for all.  (please tell your spouse’s Thank you too!!)

Awesome year once again!

Go Blizzard!

Hi Adam,

Joe and I went to the Miracle League game last week.  I used to work at Courage Center with young adults 18-65 y.o.  I still describe the Courage Center as “the job of my life.”  It was the time I discovered what was important to me, and what I cared about most.

I still see some of the people I took care of at the Courage Center, and it is difficult to see them struggle with the constant and daily reminders of their limitations…..yet, they laugh and are so joy filled;  so grateful for their lives and happy to see their friends and family. 

What I was missing, though, is imagining these people as children.  I just can’t imagine why I would not have wondered what their childhood was like…but I only saw what was in front of me. 

If all of “my people” had an experience like the Miracle League….then I am so happy for them.  The playing of the game was great, but to see the kids enjoy their “buddy” volunteers the way they did just choked me up.  I had to turn away a couple of times with emotion.  The parents overwhelmed me with their pride and joy in watching their kids play baseball.

But the person that stuck out the most to me, was Jesse…..a diamond in the baseball rough!  His joy in pitching to those kids was disarming.  He knew all of their names, knew what they could and couldn’t do; making it easy for them to hit the ball, joked with them, teased them, and when they finally did hit the ball he would let it go between his legs out to the field.  At the end of the game, the kids all ran up to him….some in their walkers, one with a crutch, others with developmental delays….they all jumped up on him and hugged him in the way only kids can do where there are no worries of boundaries or what is appropriate and not….with all their might!

I cannot tell you how glad I am that I battled the traffic to get Joe there.  He has not stopped talking about it.  There was a little boy named Antonio that made Joe promise he would be his buddy tonight, and this morning Joe told me that he really hopes the game is not rained out. 

Thank you so much for all of the good baseball Joe is experiencing with Blizzard….and all of the good people….and all of the good friends he has made.  If Joe were never to realize his dream of college baseball, I know he would be so grateful for this experience.  Just as the Courage Center was the “job of my life,”  I see Blizzard as the time of Joe’s life.

You are doing wonderful work.


Hey Coach, it's Erik Grover.
I just wanted to say thank you for all your help with my pitching mechanics and teaching me more about how to pitch.  It showed a lot this year.  I was first team all-conference and had a 5-0 record with a 1.29 ERA. Thank you again, and hopefully I'll see you next off-season for more lessons.
Hello Adam,
I wanted to let you know that you and your coaches are definitely training these kids right.  I cannot tell you how many parents have complimented Bryce and me on how great of a catcher he has become.  This obviously makes me very proud, but not nearly as proud as when they come up and tell me what a nice and courteous young ballplayer he is.  That humbles me like nothing else.  I am truly thankful that we have found an organization that shares our same values and principles.  Keep up the good work and please thank Joe and Jesse for me!
Tony Lovcik


Hi, Coaches,

A big thank you to you and the rest of the staff, for all you did for Ryan this past fall and winter.  
He made the Minnetonka High School varsity team, about which he is VERY thrilled..
All your tips, support and time certainly helped him succeed.
We are very grateful

Chris Helgeson (and the rest of us )


Hi Adam and Montana,

We just wanted to send a quick note to tell you how much we appreciate your setting up the Iowa trip at the end of April.  The weekend was phenomenal – the kids and parents all had such a fantastic time.  A lot of the parents had commented that they hadn’t thought it would be enjoyable for them because they didn’t know anyone, but each of these parents later said they couldn’t believe how welcomed they felt and how much fun it was.  They also said their sons told them the boys were all really nice and made each of the kids feel like a part of the team.  We were especially happy for the families who haven’t traveled with the Blizzard before – what a great way to end the year and get motivated for next year!

We wanted to thank Adam for the lesson when he showed Erik how to do his footwork for hitting (more parallel and step earlier).  When we were driving home that day, Erik said he was going to have to work hard on that because it didn’t feel comfortable right away.  He did work hard on it and as a result, has more confidence now than ever.

We also want to thank Montana for continuing to have Erik work on his pitching.  He is starting in the season opener tonight and can’t wait to get out there.  He’s feeling confident, excited and is talking about working on a change-up and a slider. 

So, many thanks to you both!  We know it can’t be easy to travel and leave your families for the weekend to coach our boys in baseball, but we really appreciate everything you have done for the kids, especially for Erik.  You’re the best!


Lisa and Kenneth

I just wanted to let you know what a great time Makai had at his lesson last night. He was so excited afterwards. A few quotes from him "that lesson with Derek made me love baseball again" "He was such a great coach, he said things in a way that I understood right away". Pretty great for a mom to hear :) Please tell him thank you. We would like to schedule another hr with him.
Melisha Bergan
Good Morning Adam:
This is another thank you for your tremendous program and staff of instructors you have in the Blizzard program. Aden, my freshman at Rochester Century, had tryouts this week for the baseball team. He made the team.
I cannot express how much I was impressed with Montana and how he was able to assess quickly what was needed with Aden’s swing and accomplished exactly what I had hoped for – smoothed out his swing without sacrificing his ability to hit for power. In addition, Montana worked on the techniques of the catching position and from what Aden told me about the catching drills the coaches used to assess what players to keep for this year’s squad they were exactly what Montana and Aden worked on during their time together. The other aspect of the game that Montana worked with Aden was bolstering his confidence that he could make the team and to carry that confidence into the tryouts. A thank you also goes out to Matt who worked with Aden on Wednesday evenings and built upon what Montana was doing as well. Both coaches brought drills to the lessons that helped Aden this week and things he will be able to draw on should the swing get a bit out of sorts as the season progresses. I know Aden has more work to do, but he has been placed on a great road to continue to develop as a baseball player.
After the great experience with Sterling in fall ball, and the way the program (Montana) was able to develop Aden’s game in such a short time, you have a firm supporter in Blizzard baseball now and in the years to come. I know we will be back for more lessons and other programs sponsored by the Blizzard for both Aden and Sterling.
Please share my comments and thoughts with Montana.
A final note – my wife, Amy, after we received word that Aden made the team said, “that was the best investment of money (the lessons) we ever made”, and I couldn’t agree more.
Again, much thanks.
Mark Homard

If I haven't said it enough, I want to submit an official compliment regarding Joe. There is no one better suited to teach young baseball players than Dempsey. And it is sooooo genuine.

 Beyond the fact that my Benny would list Joe in is top 10 favorite people in the world. Joe has ability to connect with so many people.

My goal is to build Joe's personal brand and become the private coach to dozens of Mahtomedi Boys. Drake Ouimet, for example, has found a love for baseball that you cannot put a price tag on. Joe has given him incredible confidence.

As for Ben, he impressed the 13AAA coach yesterday (caught live hitting for us) so much, he asked if Ben could play as a fill-in this Saturday if our numbers are down. He's barely 9 1/2. Pretty cool.

So happy you guys are in Vadnais!
John Schwietz


Adam, I just wanted to let you know that with all the hard work David has put in over the years, he is playing for the Saint Francis Varsity baseball team. The coach pulled him up this week. He is playing 3rd base and Shortstop. David is still 14 years old, with his birthday being August 10th. The Blizzard has been a direct attribute to this happening for David as that our school coach ( Brian Julson) likes the fact that David has a baseball and bat in his hands year round. Not to mention that he plays advanced teams around the country. The Blizzard program has helped make this happen. David has been very fortunate that he has had very good and competent coaching. Luke Scardigli for Saint Francis has done a great job as well. All the talented coach's at the academy have been wonderful for David. Thanks for all that you do. A special thanks to Jesse for coaching David over the past few years...( since he was 10) on the 11U team. I remember when you brought Jesse in that year, he has grown and developed a lot in the short time and will be an asset to the academy for years to come.
Thanks again Adam for growing and expanding the Academy for the next generation of ball players.
On a last note, Johnny will be missed greatly. I wish David would have had the opportunity to have been coached by him at some point of his Blizzard years.
We will be in a tournament this weekend in Princeton MN. Have fun at the banquet.
Jerry Jorgenson


This is Jim, Beau Jernberg's dad.
I wanted to write this earlier, but things get busy sometimes, and best intentions get put off.
First off, I want you to know how grateful Beau and I are that he was able to play in your program last year.  If it turns out to be the highlight of his baseball, it was well worth it.  From a parents perspective, it is refreshing to see a professionally run  operation at work to instill core values, and work ethic.  It was a lot of fun seeing Beau all stoked up to go play games/practice/work out/tournaments.  He never tired of the program.  Believe me, he bleeds Blizzard.
With Beau braking his ankle as a junior, this was his only exposure to college scouting.  The more ball he played for you, the more he wanted to be able to play at the college level.  I know a parents perspective can be tainted, but I felt he improved consistently through the season.  Confidence is an amazing drug.
He ended up committing to Stout, and feels good about his decision.  None of that experience would have been possible without your program.  One thing that worked really well for us was to video clips of him playing, upload them to a YouTube account (we set up an account that was locked, and
could copy/paste the link in emails), and send the link along to coaches for evaluation.  Might be something to pass along to future players/parents.  Please pass along our thanks to Coach Pfeffer, as he was instrumental to all above.
Thanks again
Jim Jernberg

Hi Adam,

I wanted to thank you for running a class Blizzard program.  Leo had a great experience and grew a lot as a player and a kid.   Matt did a terrific job.  I'm watching his summer and school teams now and realize that the Blizzard spoiled us with a great level of play that we don't see very often in MN.

Leo and I haven't talked too much about next year yet, but I think there's a good chance you'll see him again at tryouts in July.

Have a great summer!

Adam Lerner


I heard I missed a great game last night!  So glad you got to see it!

Just wanted to thank you for your encouragement and kind words you had for Will: we have seen a whole new level of confidence in him since making this team, and your support (and praise!) means SO much to him!  We are so proud of all his work and dedication, and to see it pay off is really a dream come true as parents. 

We appreciate all that you do for Will and for baseball...we hope he takes his talent and love of baseball as far as he can and that he always enjoys and appreciates the game as much as he does now!

Hope to see you soon and thanks again!  Kari Vanderbilt


Just wanted to say "Thank You" for your assistance and watching Connor's hitting video. Also wanted to mention a huge "Thank You" for selecting Connor for the Blizzard as it was a great experience for Connor and family, really appreciate everything you and your organization have done for Connor and hopefully we can continue the relationship throughout his High School career. Connor will be trying out again so we'll continue to develop his game and hopefully be able to make a Blizzard Roster again but most importantly wanted to let you know your efforts and your organizations efforts are truly appreciated.

Todd Boone



I just wanted you to know how MUCH Rob enjoyed being part of the Blizzard Elite this past year! As parents, we applaud the Blizzard program's leadership, code of conduct, emphasis on being a good teammate and your mission statement, as these very same components seem to be taking a backseat in many of today's high school sports.  Thank you for creating such an outstanding program for these young men! We're looking forward to one great "last" year with the Blizzard Elite!
Jolie Mouton


Well done at awards banquet today...we are proud to be Blizzard Alumni....your program and Kasey's hard work turned him into a solid young man with a D1 scholarship!
Mike Ralston


It has been a great ride and enjoyed every minute of it. Dominic would not be the ball player he is today without this experience but more importantly he would not be the person he is. He has grown up and experienced a whole new world outside of his old comfort zone, made new friends and learned to travel and experience new things that most kids age will never have the opportunity to try or the courage. We are forever grateful to Adam and Johnny for this.

Thanks for all you din in baseball and in life!
The Reeds


Hi Adam and M.B.A instructors.

I know that when I get a call or letter from a customer at my auto repair business telling
us we have done a good job or that they liked the way they were treated, the call was nice to get. Last winter my son Matt completed your 10 session hitting lesson package with Joe Dempsey as the instructor. From getting to know Joe, Jesse and other instructors by hanging out at the academy during the lessons I could tell they were baseball smart, liked to see progress in their students and related well with the kids. Before starting the lessons last  winter I mentioned Matt would be needing help because he would be trying out for the Woodbury High School 9th grade team as a 14 year old. All his and team mates are  15 year olds. (He did make the team) 

Matt has been hitting well and I know it has to do with the time he spent with Joe at  lessons. Joe worked with him on mechanics and the mental tools needed for success at the plate. He was telling him he was a big kid so play big baseball. I've seen more doubles and hits this year. Last evening was very exciting, with two runners on, Matt drove a ball over the center field fence for a 3 run home run. None of the 15 year olds have done that. However, I had not arrived to the game to see it yet. The other Dads had to tell me about it. (DARN)  I did get to see him hit one over the left fielder to the fence
 at his next at bat.

So this is a e-mail to say you guys do a great job and tell Joe that Matt is playing a lot
bigger baseball from his help and really enjoying it.

Chris Sicora